waaa ..mmg punn ..!!
nie laa laz pb aq ..!act ,diorg kate mmg tiap2 mggu pb ..
mcm step dulu la an ..aq pun at first tkezutt gakk ..
eh ,integomb evry week pb time pose ..??
oh ,mmg laa ..sape xnk buke ngan femly weyhh ..
cer cite cer cite ..
hmm ..pastuh taon niyh ..b4 pose laa ..
diorg kate maybe xpb evry week coz kitorg da dpt sbt la kate an ..
so xbole a slalu ..hmm ,tuh aq xkesa laa ..juz bbdk nie je kott ..
maybe coz aq da bese xpb ..haha ..berdiri atas kaki sendiri ..!!
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see ..??sy bole brdiri atas kaki sndri ..!! |
yg pb 2 weeks once ..
pastuh ,ari khames ae tuh ..first week pose ,keco a kate dpt pb ..
aq pun turut xcuted gakk ..
ale2 mama aini kitorg kate kitorg xleyh pb coz kitorg xikut syarat2 yg dier bg ..
ala ,cm beli2 kt paga tuh ..maybe coz lmbt kott ..
n aq xtau la kalo ade hape2 yg len ..
sume giler bengang a time assembly u ..thne ,tepuk tgn tnde sgt impressed ..bahaha ..
tmasuk le aq ..n aq mmg xkesaa pun ..
pastuh tgh hari tuh giler keco ..bbdk niyh masuk bilik kaunseling ..
jumpe kaunselor kitorg ..nk minx pb gakk ..then ,ckgu cdg an hantar wakil sorg ..
yg jadik wakilnyer FAEZ RIZWAN ..!
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ni la yg diorg kate as a hero .. |
petg tuh aras f4 da keco ..giler2 keco a ..
n bbdk niyh ckp laa ..ckgu bg syarat kalo nk pb gak ,ni pb yg lazz ..
lepaz ni xpb2 smpai rayer ..
perghh ..aq ckp baekk xya ..
tp rupe2 nyer mmg hampir satu batch aq nk pb kott ..
mlm jumaat tuh pun ade laa announcement ..mama aini wat sndri a ..
kt surau after trawih ..
"ckgu da ckp smlm yg mggu ni xpb ..tp abg2 f4 ade yg dtg jumpe ckgu nk pb jugakk ..
sbb kate nyer nk bli baju rayer nnt xsmpat ..mcm2 prsiapan sume ..
n diorg kate nk mnx restu parentz sbb nk exam ..ckgu kasik balekk ..
f4 ,f2 and f1 ..tp f4 lpaz nie xan balek smpai rayer baru kamu bole balek ..kalo f2 and f1 ,
mggu lpaz tuh kamu bole balekk tp skurg2 nyer 7A ke atas .."
wat ..??pb gakk ..??aiseyhh ,mmg diorg trime la syarat ckgu tuhh ..
perghh ..so ,aq kene a gak balekk coz lpaz nie mane ade aq balek lg an ..
p statement dier yg 2nd tuh xbole bla ..
haha ..tkzutt bbdk niyh sume ..esp f1 and f2 a ..7A ke atas bhaii ..mati2 ..
tp aq sgt sedeyh yg tramat ..giler2 a weyhh ..
sape xnk pb ..??ngan femly plak uh ..uhuk2 ..
giler sedeyhh .. :(
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i want pb to celebrate fasting with them ..! |
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